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Q: How can organisations build happier, more effective teams?

A: By applying a combination of qualitative, organisational and psychotherapeutic expertise


We combine 3 skillsets in a unique approach to employee engagement


1. Qualitative research expertise

  • A creative and dynamic approach to exploring objectives with employees

2. Organisational change expertise

  • Makes sense of needs of individuals and teams within the context of the whole culture / organisational system
  • Experiential workshops help teams find ways to transform and grow

3. Psychotherapeutic expertise

  • Psychotherapeutic ways of thinking and relating in everything we do
  • Keeps our approaches human-centred
  • Accesses deep psychological & social factors influencing behaviour
  • Helps employees open up to us
  • A motivating approach to coaching

In combination these 3 skillsets help clients…

  • Truly access and leverage employee expert knowledge e.g. in developing innovation
  • Dig deeper into levels of employee satisfaction and identify actionable insight
  • Build happier, more effective teams through deep dive diagnostics and experiences